New traders can be easily confused by reading the times on the bottom of their NinjaTrader charts. NinjaTrader uses a 24-hour format, which means 19:00 is 7:00 p.m.
To understand how 24-hour time works, it’s important to understand a few concepts. Firstly, 1 a.m. to noon is expressed in nearly the same way. Afternoon times create the most problems for users. Instead of noon resetting the clock to start counting from 1, it continues counting upward.
Therefore, 1 p .m. is 13:00, 2 p.m. is 14:00, and so on. The minute and second formats stay the same. Another point of trouble is what happens at midnight. Some 24-hour clocks use 24:00 to express midnight. Others show 00:00. NinjaTrader’s time axis will simply display the date at midnight instead.
If you want to learn 24-hour time quickly, consider changing the time format of your smartphone or use a wristwatch that displays both times. Soon enough, you’ll be able to understand 24-hour time the same way as regular time. The below chart image should help further.